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At Emmanuel, we are passionate about sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ both locally and globally. Below are some of the trips we take, and how you can get involved!


Dates: July 25-August 2, 2025

Cost: $1500

If interested contact Mariela Hamm at

Ministry: We will be partnering with a local church in Embu-Guacu, Sao Paulo to serve underprivileged children in the communities through providing access to tutoring, computer class, art, martial arts, Bible teaching, and providing social services such as free legal counseling, medical and haircuts.



Dates: June 19-30, 2025

Cost: $2,200

If interested contact Julie Yarbrough at

Ministry: On this mission trip, we will minister to five rural communities. In each community, our doctor will operate a medical clinic to serve local children, adults, and the elderly. While the clinic is running, we will host a VBS-style camp for the children, featuring crafts, skits, and games. During VBS, each child will hear the Gospel and receive a special gift as a reminder of God’s love. Additionally, we will distribute food, medicine, and blankets to those in need within each community. In the evenings, we often host youth activities, providing opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth. New this year, we are excited to offer a sewing class for the women in one of our church communities, equipping them with valuable skills and fostering empowerment.


Dates: July 15-25, 2025

If interested contact Andy Wilkins at

Ministry: The Emmanuel partnership in Poland is a youth evangelism day camp to Polish and Ukrainian high school students. Our church partners with the Zory church youth ministry and Josiah Venture to share Christ one on one and in groups to teenagers. Emmanuel's team needs skills or background in basketball/soccer, teaching English, and choral music. 



If interested contact Clint Watkins at

Ministry: Evangelistic outreach with local church and potentially construction.


Dates: Fall 2025

Cost: $2,500

If interested contact Shonn Keels at

Ministry: The India trip is to a village called Masinagudi in the southern central jungles of India. The ministry will include teaching tribal children in an English-speaking school. It will also include free medical clinics in surrounding tribes. We will do VBS style ministry
at each tribal medical clinic for those waiting to be seen by the doctor. You can learn about our ministry partners at

India 2018


Dates: October 8-17, 2025

Cost: $2800

If interested contact Jared Blount at

Ministry: Our team will work with Tokyo Baptist Church to provide an English Camp to local families and participate in street evangelism around Shibuya Station.


Dates: July 7-21, 2025

Cost: $3,563

If interested contact Yohanes at

Ministry: Indonesia has the 4th largest population in the world with the highest percentage of Muslims (87% of 280 million people).  Indonesia is home to around 13% of the world's Muslims and only 7% of the population is Christian.   We will go to the eastern tip of Indonesia, Papua Island, with a mission to save people for Christ. This journey is not just about reaching distant lands—it is about reaching the hearts of millions of people who long for truth and new hope in Christ.

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If interested contact Charlie Cannon at

Ministry: Medical and water well drilling.

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